Wednesday, April 10, 2019

26A- Celebrating Failure

26A- Celebrating Failure 
A time I have failed this semester was when I was studying for a math exam. I worked so hard and studied for three days for one exam. I had already completed all of the homework and lectures and practice exams and scored high on all of them. I wanted to be extra prepared for the exam, so I studied for a long time and I still ended up failing. It was extremely frustrating to put so much time into something and still fall short. 
From this experience I learned that you can work really hard for something and truly deserve something but that does not mean you are going to get it. This experience is extremely valuable because after failing it is so easy to give up but with a class you have to keep going and that relates to life. You may deserve a job or an experience but that does not mean you are going to get it. 
Failure is very difficult. It can be embarrassing, depressing, and hurtful but it teaches you about yourself and what you need to change and improve on. Sometimes the things you need to change are not just effort or work ethic but your outlook on them. I think if I would not have put so much pressure on myself to do well on the exam, I would have scored higher. I needed to mentally tell myself that no matter what I had tried my best and to concentrate on the things you know rather than the things you don’t. 
This class has taught me that failure is a part of life. Everyone fails at someone point and most likely many many many times. You need to embrace failure and learn from your mistakes. 


  1. Hey Olivia, your post really hit home for me because this is similar to what I wrote for my assignment. It's nice to see that you learned a lot from this failure. I liked how mentioned that what you learned was that you can work really hard for something, but that doesn't mean you are going to get it. That was a different thought process in regard to what I thought about my situation, but really great that you learned that. Great job!

  2. Olivia,
    I enjoyed reading your post and found great insight from what you took away from your failure experience. It is very true that your mindset on a matter is so important and how you look at a situation will make or break whether you are successful. We as college students stress so much and emphasize passing exams way more than we should, and if we began to study with ease and being ok with whatever outcome we receive, people would be much less stressed and perform better in the end.
