Monday, February 4, 2019

9A- Testing the Hypothesis Part Two

9A- Testing the Hypothesis Part Two 

Who: The people who fall outside of the boundary are those who own bigger, more established businesses. For example, the Hard Rock Hotel Daytona Beach, does not have a major panhandling issue because they always have people outside like valet, and they have a large entrance. To be blocking the entrance of the hotel you would have to be far up the drive way and deep into hotel property. From my interviews I learned that there are people who would not want my product. For big hotels and businesses to want my product it would need to incorporate a whole security aspect that includes security cameras and monitoring systems. Since most large hotels and businesses already have that, my product is only needed by smaller businesses so I learned it will have to be priced accordingly and easy to use. 

What: My need for stricter panhandling laws and regulations differs from regulating others by panhandlers actually affecting business. While it can be unappealing to have homeless people outside of a business, if they are acting appropriately and respectfully, they should affect customers coming in to the business but if there are people outside the business-like panhandlers who are harassing and begging for money then people will not want to go into that business. From my interviews I learned that my device will need to be customizable for each business. Since a lot of large business will not need my product, I have to be able to work with smaller businesses which are generally more unique in their needs. 

Why: The underlying cause of the outsider’s need is not different than the people who are inside the boundary, it is just less of a need. Big hotels and businesses still need panhandlers to be regulated, it just isn’t as big of a problem as it is to smaller businesses. 

Inside the Boundary
Outside the Boundary
Who is in/not
Small business owners who have their entrances close to public sidewalks, and have panhandlers harassing and scaring customers away.
Big businesses who have their entrances far from public sidewalks and are not as affected by panhandlers. 
What the need is/not
The need is to have stricter panhandling laws and have them regulated more frequently and efficiently. 
The need is not to remove all homeless and street performers from the sidewalks and streets. 
Why the need exists/does not 
The need exists because there are a lot of panhandlers in busy parts of Daytona Beach and other tourist towns that are harassing customers and effecting business. 
The need does not exist for businesses that can afford more onsite security and that does not rely on police to do so. 

1 comment:

  1. Olivia,
    I really liked your opportunity I think it could really positively affect many citizens. Without panhandles they do not walk around with fear of being bothered by these groups, reading through your post it seems like you didn't find a lot of people that this opportunity didn't matter to them either way which seems like it could really be successful!
